Imagine knowing your company’s readiness to execute on strategy, so you WIN more

Measuring execution capability is the missing metric in modern management practice. Biases. Politics. Gut Instinct. We use these to fill the void when we lack the right data.

It’s time to bring strategic decision making into the 21st century.

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Alex Castro has developed the Readiness Score, a data-driven measurement for determining a company’s execution capability (or readiness) for each strategic initiative it is considering. Using this groundbreaking approach, business leaders can effectively evaluate potential acquisitions, new product concepts, new market expansions, and back-office optimizations by separating ideas that will actually work for them from those that are great in theory alone, while continuously measuring a business’s adaptability to evolving strategies.

You don’t get two or three chances to make a strategy work in our rapidly shifting business environment. Measure, Execute, Win will help your company proceed on initiatives with full confidence that they will deliver the results you want.


Where The Gap In Execution Capability Comes From


What’s Inside

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Part I - The Power of Measurement

This first part outlines what the root-causes for why strategic initiatives are failing or not meeting projected outcomes. It lays the foundation for why the readiness score is such a critical missing factor in modern management practices, and what over 20 years of research has revealed.

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Part II - Measuring Execution Capability

The second part takes a deeper dive into what really is important to measure to support a data driven decision making process. What to measure is critical, and may be different from what you traditionally understood were the key factors to why execution struggles.

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Part III - Finding Your Golden Ticket

The third part outlines how to operationalize a readiness score into your decision making model. Most importantly, this part reveals how much untapped insight and data resides inside your company. All you have to do is harvest it.

